Archive for November 2012
Banana Smoothie with Yogurt
by: adhi
Bananas can be used as an addition to a delicious meal can also be made fresh drinks that contain a lot of nutrients. Refreshments of banana can be used as a companion or as beverage staple diet. One drink that much liked was Banana Yogurt Smoothies. Here's how to make Banana Yogurt Smoothies.ingredients:
- 2 pcs Ambon ripe banana, cut into pieces
- 2 tablespoons oatmeal
- 100 ml of liquid milk
- 100 ml yogurt
- 2 tbsp honey
- Ice cubes
How to Make:
1. Store bananas in the freezer until frozen.
2. Enter the frozen bananas, oatmeal, milk, yogurt, honey, and ice cubes in a blender and process until all ingredients are smooth and well blended.
3. Pour into 2 glass. Serve cold.
This Banana yogurt smoothies recipe is for 2 cups, if you like more banana can be added.
The benefits this yellow fruit is it able to relieve the stress. Bananas also contain serotonin, which can control the mood. Serotonin is naturally produced in the brain as well. These compounds are also owned by the chocolate, so when we eat chocolate your mind is more calm.
Some Aloe Vera Uses for Health
Aloe vera had been shown to have some health benefits. These herbs can treat some skin problems, digestive, and some diseases.
Here are some of the benefits of aloe vera:
1. Skin inflammation can be overcome with aloe vera. For example, due to scratches or impact. simply apply aloe vera gel on the inflamed skin.
2. Aloe vera can be used to treat the skin. Aloe vera to moisturize the skin, it has cooling effect and nourish the skin.
3. Aloe vera can heal sunburned skin. anti-inflammatory agent and a cold sensation caused aloe vera gel makes it suitable to tackle sunburn
4. The contents of Aloe Vera in a lot, proved storing important substances such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B21, C, E, choline, inositol, and folic acid. Such minerals are calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, and chromium. The content of the enzymes, such as amylase, catalase, cellulose, carboxypeptidase, carboxyhelolase, and brandykinase which are very important for the metabolism
5. Aloe vera also brighten the face
6. Aloe vera can also reduce acne. Excess fats and oils can be removed with aloe vera. Inflammation is reduced and prevents the breeding of bacteria
7. Aloe vera can also heal skin rash
Yep true, break the leaf and rub aloe vera meat on the skin rash
Aloe Vera as Medicinal Plant
In addition good for digestion, aloe vera for hair and skin, aloe vera is also known to have benefits for health. We can use aloe vera leaves as medicinal plants.
Ancient Egyptians already know the benefits of aloe vera before modern research reveal the benefits. Noted, 1500 BC the use of aloe vera as a medicinal plant has been so popular that the ancient Egyptians called it "the plant of immortality". Even before that, the people of Samaria had used it to cure various health problems around the year 1875 BC.
A traditional medicine maker from the Greek, Dioscordes mentions that aloe vera can be formulated to treat skin bruising, cracked dry skin, blisters, hair loss, hemorrhoids, sore throat and ulcers.
In its report, Fujio L. Panggabean, a researcher and observer of medicinal plants, says that the efficacy of aloe vera no other because these plants have enough nutrients for the human body. The results of other studies on Aloe vera showed that carbohydrate is the largest component after water, which donated a number of calories as a source of energy.
Vitamins, minerals and some essential substances also found in aloe vera. So that is also used as a medicinal plant can also be processed into a variety of delicious foods.
Ancient Egyptians already know the benefits of aloe vera before modern research reveal the benefits. Noted, 1500 BC the use of aloe vera as a medicinal plant has been so popular that the ancient Egyptians called it "the plant of immortality". Even before that, the people of Samaria had used it to cure various health problems around the year 1875 BC.
A traditional medicine maker from the Greek, Dioscordes mentions that aloe vera can be formulated to treat skin bruising, cracked dry skin, blisters, hair loss, hemorrhoids, sore throat and ulcers.
In its report, Fujio L. Panggabean, a researcher and observer of medicinal plants, says that the efficacy of aloe vera no other because these plants have enough nutrients for the human body. The results of other studies on Aloe vera showed that carbohydrate is the largest component after water, which donated a number of calories as a source of energy.
Vitamins, minerals and some essential substances also found in aloe vera. So that is also used as a medicinal plant can also be processed into a variety of delicious foods.
3 important benefits of aloe vera
For the people of Africa, aloe vera is a plant that provides multifunctional benefits for both outside and inside the body. Ayurvedic Consultant at, Dr. Jaishree Bhattacharjee reveal diverse health benefits of aloe vera for:
1. Behind its apparently less appealing aloe vera contains powerful antibacterial and antiseptic properties. That is why many people use it to treat wounds. Benefits of aloe vera to treat wounds has been researched and authenticated by experts that this plant is indeed able to accelerate wound healing and prevent infection in wounds.
2. Provide benefits to the skin. Some of the benefits that can be derived from the aloe vera gel is to nourish the skin and reduce skin problems. Acne can be reduced by applying aloe vera gel on acne, skin cool sunburn and moisturize and nourish the skin.
Not only that, aloe vera it can be used to brighten the skin, especially due to sunburn.
Benefits for other skin is to reduce the itching caused by allergies because aloe vera has anti-allergic substances. Aloe vera is beneficial for people with eczema, hives, psoriasis and others.
3. Aloe vera has a lot of vitamins and amino acids that make it immune modulator, restorative, and antioxidants.
1. Behind its apparently less appealing aloe vera contains powerful antibacterial and antiseptic properties. That is why many people use it to treat wounds. Benefits of aloe vera to treat wounds has been researched and authenticated by experts that this plant is indeed able to accelerate wound healing and prevent infection in wounds.
2. Provide benefits to the skin. Some of the benefits that can be derived from the aloe vera gel is to nourish the skin and reduce skin problems. Acne can be reduced by applying aloe vera gel on acne, skin cool sunburn and moisturize and nourish the skin.
Not only that, aloe vera it can be used to brighten the skin, especially due to sunburn.
Benefits for other skin is to reduce the itching caused by allergies because aloe vera has anti-allergic substances. Aloe vera is beneficial for people with eczema, hives, psoriasis and others.
3. Aloe vera has a lot of vitamins and amino acids that make it immune modulator, restorative, and antioxidants.